Monday, May 23 We're back from London and starting a new week. I've decided that Londoners are more chill and it's socially more acceptable to be lively or happy in public. For instance, people sing and dance to the street performers in London. The street performers don't expect you to pay them if you stop and listen and enjoy yourself. People are more friendly in general and apt to talk to you or offer help. People in France are great, but the social norms are different. Londoners are closer to Americans I guess then french people. Anyways, we're half way through the program now and only have two weeks left in Paris before we go on our bus tour for a week and then on to Nice for a week. Time has flown by, but at the same time it feels so slow. Funny how that works. We're all exhausted after our weekend trips, and it was consistently raining most of Monday, as well as the museums being closed, so we opted not to do a walk and just go home after finding a post office. This morning we were late to class because the trains were all sans arrete because of a strike I think which threw off the schedule. Prof. Le Bras was understanding though. He's super nice and a good teacher. I still don't know how he'll be grade wise, but we'll see. I felt bad because I was struggling not to fall asleep the whole class and I think I looked like a zombie. He was awesome about it though. We had a meeting with the whole group at 12:30 p.m. to go over things and to get our allowance. I got a Millefeuillle at the Gwen Choc while waiting. It was super good. We went home after finding a post office and shopping, and worked on our homework, blogs, write in journals, took naps etc. I didn't get as much done s I would have liked. I've basically gotten one page written in my paper, but I'm caught up on my bogs now. The London blog took forever to do. McKenna and I made sure that we were on time to FHE this week. We were about ten minutes early. :) Go us. I even socialized with people. I'm not going to lie. Sometimes I really just don't care to talk to people outside of our group because its too much work. I'm always glad when I do though. Making friends. We had mashed potatoes, rice, and meatballs for dinner with apples and fruit dip that for the record is amazing! I went to get myself water and a guy offered to poor me some. I don't know why, but my hand was shaking and the guy commented on it. I played it as probably being a bit dehydrated, which isn't a bad guess. I need to be better about hydration. I caught up with Elder Stanford then played around the world ping pong with the FHE fam. I actually did well and got really far a few times. Carson said he was impressed! It was a proud moment. That's all that is worth noting about Monday. I'm too tired still for details.
This is the millefeuille I ate today. Super delicious!
Random church we passed trying to find the post office. :)
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