It's finally happened you guys! I'm in London! I've only dreamed of this my whole life. It's too bad we only have three days. There's so much we want to do and see. Everything is so expensive here, it's insane! It does narrow our options down for us though or at least speed up our visits of certain places, which I guess is good since we're pressed for time. We're going to the temple on Saturday which is about a three hour trip from London. We're excited, but it does limit the amount of things we can do. We're having a giant planning session right now. Fun stuff. We got to the train station with plenty of time to spare just in case something went wrong. We ended up being fine and having a two hour wait, but better safe then sorry. While trying to find our train we waited in line to ask the information lady and there was this women in front of us talking to her. She was upset about something. A train canceled I think. The info lady kept telling her there was nothing that could be done, but the lady just got madder and spit on the glass before leaving. McKenna, Haley and I looked at each other like geesh. Some people's children. We had a fun time getting to our Airbnb. Our train ride went smoothly from Paris to London, but the metro we needed was working. We had to find a alternate route to our place. It took us about an hour and a half to get here when it shouldn't have taken more than half an hour or so. Miss haps are fun. We looked pretty lost At one point I guess because a guy came up to us and asked us if we needed help. He was super nice and his accent is awesome! French people don't generally just offer their services like that. What a nice change. The guy at the place where we bought our tube passes was super nice as well. He looks as if he doesn't like his job very much, but he was super helpful. At least everything is in English here. It makes not knowing what we're doing and getting lost a bit less scary. The trains here are generally nicer, but the metro system in Paris is much more efficient. I think I prefer efficiency. The family we're staying with is really nice. We couldn't ask for a better host. It's a relief because I'll admit that I was a little nervous. They have two adorable little children as well. The house is nice. Our room is the loft. We like it a lot.
We didn't go anywhere tonight because we decided to plan out the rest of our trip and figure out dinner. There's a burner market neer by where we naught cerial, pop tarts and grapes for dinner and snacks. Can you tell we're college students? We plan on watching a movie before bed. We need to turn our brains off and relax now that we've made it here. Gotta rest up for exploring tomorrow! One of our friends got her wallet stolen the yesterday. We were all super paranoid if pick pockets during the journey here. It's nice to feel safe again. Until we leave the house tomorrow. Gotta love the city. Life is good you guys!
We're in London!!!!!! We're super excited!
The train station in London has a piano in it!!!! This guy was singing, " Have I Told You Lately That I Love You." It was awesome!
This train goes super fast. I'll give more specific details on that in a later post. It's quite nice though.
Getting comfortable at our Airbnb home while planning our weekend. It was quite nice actually.
This is what we had for dinner and breakfast for most of the trip. Can you tell that we're college students?
We all got Kinder eggs from the corner market where we got our food. McKenna is only a little excited that it's star wars. She might be a huge fan.
Here's mine!!!! Isn't it awesome?
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