Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Le Tour Eiffel, The Inception Bridge and the Statue of Liberty!

Monday, May 9th. Today we decided to split a long walk in half so we could do it in two days, and get to go home a bit earlier today before going to FHE. We climbed the Eiffel tower, yes climbed. So many steps, but it was worth it. The view was awesome. From the top we found the Statue of Liberty and the bridge used in "Inception." We've been wanting to go there the whole time we've been, so we decided why not go there today with them being so close? They didn't disappoint. It was cool to be there. It was slightly raining on and off the whole afternoon, but it wasn't cold so i'm not complaining. We finished later then originally planned, but we still went home and did hw before coming back to Paris for ward FHE. McKenna and I were late because our train was late, but we made it for the last bit of the lesson on faith, and got to eat. We had quiche and fruit this time. Super good. After dinner we played around the world ping pong with our FHE family. It was super fun and I didn't suck the whole time. McKenna was super tired, like you've been up playing a game until five in the morning, everything is funny, and you act like you're drunk kind of tired. It was hilarious and a good thing we left when we did. It was a good day.
This is a drawing that I found time to do last week. Hope you like it. If not, don't tell me. :)
Saw another insanely small car, but this one isn't a smart car, it's just small. I wander if it belongs to a midget.
We climbed the stairs to the Eiffel tower. There were a lot, but we could only climb them to the second floor before we weren't allowed to climb them anymore and had to take the elevator. Learned that the tower was created for the World fair in 1889. It took about two and a half years to complete and was barely finished in time for the fair. Parisians didn't really like the tower at first either.

Views from the Eiffel tower. The tower is pretty high up, once again you can see all of Paris. The picture on the right shows the statue of liberty, which is only a bridge away from the Inception bridge. We found it looking at the view from the top and decided to go there after we were done.

In the picture on the right you can see the Louvre, St. Eustache, and Notre Dame among other places.

Might be a prideful moment, but I love my hair in this picture. No regrets. This is from the second floor.

We're at the top!!!! The view is amazing! You can really see the layout of Paris from up here.

Lots of famous people came to the tower at the world fair such as Buffalo Bill, the last tsar of Russia, and the queen of Spain. The Eiffel tower was the tallest building in the world at the time. On the top of the tower there is a room where is shows the tallest buildings around the world and compares them with the Eiffel tower. When the Empire state building was built, it surpassed the Eiffel tower. America represent!

Gorgeous, just gorgeous. The last picture is from the elevator on the way down. I wasn't nervous in case you were wondering.

We found a merry go round by the E. tower and decided to give into our childish desires and rode it. It was fun. Carson didn't join us, so he was in charge of taking pictures and watching our stuff.
These bikes were right next to the merry go round. They're like work out bikes, just randomly out there. We had fun.
                                               Behind me is the Inception Bridge.
Walking to the inception bridge. Oh ya, we're super cool.
Might have interrupted a couple's engagement/wedding photos. I couldn't resist taking this picture. I'd say it's high quality. Look how cute they look.

We're at the Inception bridge!!!!! It's got a great view of this statue and the E. tower.
This is under a bridge leading to the statue of liberty. There is a work out place that anyone can go use. It's kind of random and kind of cool.

It's the statue of liberty!!! This is the one seen in the movie, "National Treasure two." This one is much bigger than the one we saw in the garden last week, but small in comparison to the one in New York. It's on a island in the middle of the Seine.

The view away from the statue of liberty. I can almost pretend i'm at the ocean.

The walk to the statue was pretty. The tree on the right was just begging me to climb it, so I did. I didn't get a picture of it on my phone though, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Isn't it perfect though?


  1. I love how you're keeping up with sketching! This is very nice!

  2. I love how you're keeping up with sketching! This is very nice!

    1. Thank you Spencer! This is actually the same drawing that I started when doing your film. I never went back and finished it until now. Of course most of the drawing is now made up instead of being the waterfall at south campus since i'm in France.

    2. That's really cool of you, Ashley. Enjoy yourself there and learn lots!
